Play Dough Parable

Recipe 1


(Text Version)

Today in the car, my grandson suddenly sang the patty cake song:

Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake, baker’s man.

Bake me a cake as fast as you can;

Roll it, pat it and put it in a pan

Put it in the oven for baby and me.

I reminded him that was what we do when we play with play-doh and I realized it was a Word from the Lord. I remembered a sermon where the preacher was showing some yellow play-doh. She flattened it and put a gingerbread cookie cutter over the top and pushed down to cut out the gingerbread dough man.

This is how Jesus forms us into His image. The Bible is like a cookie cutter. When it is applied to our life, all the stuff that doesn’t look like Jesus, is pulled away from us. We say, “OH NO Lord, not that THAT!” He doesn’t want us to carry loads that are not meant for us to carry.

Sometimes we feel pressure, just like when play-doh we flatten. This flattening lowers the places where we are too proud and not teachable. Conforming also fills our low places that are dented, where we don’t have confidence. We learn we know how special we are to God.

Rom 8:29 For God knew you in advance, and He chose you to become like His Son Jesus. He wants you to be formed into Jesus’ image to be like Him. Jesus was His first born son He is the older brother with many brothers and sisters in God’s family.


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