
The Gift of Music




Seek out a man who is a skillful player on the harp;  and it shall be that he will play it with his hand when the distressing spirit from God is upon you, and you shall be well. (1 Samuel 16:16 NKJV)


When people have the Gift of Music, they have the ability to play their instrument in a way that releases hearts.  This goes beyond being skillful as a practiced and seasoned musician, it goes into the anointing and Presence of God, just as it is in heaven.  The Lord has loosed new sounds upon the earth and they are anointed with impact.   The sounds touch souls and brings them into a receptive place of pouring out to Him and also receiving from Him.


The Lord’s anointing upon music, instruments, musicians and voices has grown so much that they bring the peace of the Lord, supernatural deliverance and healings.  The musicians allow time for the Spirit of the Lord to hover in the room. After people have “spent” themselves in worship, instruments play quietly, allowing people to rest in His Presence. Sometimes they usher in His Presence so deeply and that even His cloud descends.  The Spirit is allowed to do a deeper work than just a surface level. Many visions and hearing the Lord occur during this time of waiting upon the Lord.  It is an awesome thing the Lord is doing upon the earth through anointed music and sound.



Even before I was called into writing, I was given the heart and calling of a Levite; one who worships the Lord day and night before His Presence. Even in my busy moments, I worship the Lord in my head and heart. By the time I was 22 years old, I was a prepared musician, having led my own bands and singing groups. I was also an accompanist when needed, and traveled in these various areas of ministry.


At the age of 23 I laid it all down on the altar and walked away from that life for 22 years. During that time, my Mom had a vision of my returning and playing the piano for countless faces and giving the glory to the Lord. Several years before the Lord gave it all back, I had reoccurring visions of playing some strange kind of piano with buttons. I would see myself pushing these buttons at the same time I was playing, and all these awesome sounds were coming forth!


One day I went out of town for a conference and when I came back and asked my husband what he did for the weekend, he said, “Looked at keyboards.” “Oh that’s nice,” I said. I was so dead to music that the only keyboards I thought of were computer keyboards. The next day he took me for a drive and we ended up in front of a music store. Nonplused, I asked, “What are we doing here?” “We are looking at keyboards.” “KEYBOARDS!!!!!! You meant THIS kind of KEYBOARD????”


With my being in total surprise, we entered the store. I watched the dealer sit down and demonstrate these strange electronic keyboards. As he played the keyboard, he pushed misc buttons which produced awesome sounds. Tears swelled up in my heart and eyes. There before me was the fulfillment of the reoccurring vision I’d had. The rest is history!




Not everyone enjoys the same kind of music.  In today’s world, there is music for long hairs, short hairs, and even no hairs.  Likewise, it is the same for worship music.  There is no right or wrong way to worship the Lord, there are only different ways.  The Lord is anointing new kinds of music to communicate His message to all mankind, not to just a certain group.  


I once heard a tape of a song that had people from all over the world worshipping the Lord in their own way.  I could see that each portion of the song represented not only the people, but their culture.  It was a token of themselves and their unique personalities worshipping the Lord.  I was so touched by their expressions of heart, even though I didn’t understand the words.  The Lord used their worship through music to make me tender to His Presence and receive His touch.




Worship is not contained in a package of rules. Do not allow man’s interpretation set you askew from an honest relationship with Me. As often as you think of Me, as often as you speak of Me, as often as you sing of Me, there I AM.


It is not how you worship, rather it is why. You worship and give Me honor every time you set your heart in My direction. It is not in the outward display, but in the heart. Man can go through the display with his heart far from Me. You have allowed man’s interpretation to condemn you of that which is precious to Me.


I cherish your yielded and tender heart’s response to Myself. Please do not allow guilt to separate us when you do not fit into man’s mold. You fit into My mold, and that’s all that matters.


“…The true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth…” (John 4:23)



My favorite story about worship is in Rick Joyner’s book, “The Call”, where he shares his experience of going to the throne room. Jesus told him that one pathetic worship meeting had the capacity to touch the Father’s heart like no other worship in heaven could. That is the reason why the angels love to come to earth and minister to us because they know how it pleases the Father.


Rick saw this pathetic meeting and all of heaven crying because the Father was so deeply touched by the people’s love and efforts to worship. The Father was deeply moved because in spite of all hell coming against them, still they chose to love and worship Him! We have the capacity to touch the Father like no one can in heaven. Rick could hardly wait to come down to earth and worship Him.


Heaven resounds with music. When we hear music, we hear a touch of heaven declaring the glory of God.


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