What is God Like


(Text version)


God is the Creator of everything!  The earth, sky and the whole universe of all the planets and stars.   He is so big, there is nothing that exists outside of Him!


Before we were born, Jesus was God’s only Son and Jesus called him Abba Father, which means “Daddy Father!”  God created us because He wanted a whole family of children to be with Him.  So God is our Heavenly Daddy too.


When God created the earth, He made a special garden to walk and talk with Adam, the first man He created.  Just like Adam could hear God’s voice, God wants to talk with you!   Now, you don’t have to go to a special garden on the earth to be with Him.  You can talk to God anywhere and at any time.   You don’t have to use special words or be in a special place.  Just talk to Him as you would anyone.


Can you hear God talking back to you?  He has made a special secret place where you can hear Him.   The Bible says to be still and know that He is God.  The secret place is like a garden inside of you with only your thoughts and His thoughts.  That special garden is where all is still and quiet.  This still place inside of you is where you don’t hear noise from tv, music, video games, or people talking. It is easiest to find this secret place at night when you are in bed and the house is quiet.  You can hear Him right before you fall asleep or in the early hours of the morning when you first wake up before you get up for the day.


When He talks, it is a small, quiet voice inside of your thoughts.  His still small voice sounds just like your thoughts only it wasn’t something you decided to think.  When God talks to you it is a surprise!


The Bible tells us a story about Samuel when he was a boy. Just as he was lying down to sleep, the voice of God called his name, “Samuel!”  Samuel got up and ran to Eli and said, “Here I am because you called my name.”  But Eli had not called out to Samuel!  This happened three times that Samuel heard his name and he got out of bed and ran into Eli!  Finally Eli realized that God was speaking to Samuel. Eli told Samuel if this happens again, tell God, “I hear You, please speak to me.”   So Samuel did what he was told and God spoke back to Samuel.  He stayed in bed until morning and then told Eli all that God had said.


From that day onward, Samuel grew up to become a prophet who heard what God said, and saw what God showed him.  And then he told to others what God was saying and doing.


WHAT IS GOD LIKE?  God is our Heavenly Father Who created the earth and man so He could have a family of children.  God loves you very much.  He wants you to talk to Him and He wants to talk back to you.


(1 Samuel 3:10)  And the Lord came and stood and called as at other times, Samuel! Samuel! Then Samuel answered, Speak, Lord, for Your servant is listening.


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