
ACTIVATION: Minister via Word Association

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One of the processes of how the Lord speaks to us is similar to the game “Word Association.”  Below are several examples of how this process works in the various ways He speaks to us. When we minister via word associations, the Lord can using the process of unfolding revelation to us, giving us puzzle pieces/ bits and piece of info, or take our minds on little rabbit trails that connects to another last piece.


To explain the “word association” game, you say the first word that comes to mind when you are given a list of words.  The word you come up with might be the opposite, or similar or something totally illogical depending upon one’s personal experiences.  Here is an example of the process:


Hot = cold

Cold = blue

Blue = water

Water = river

River = fish

Fish = slippery

Slippery = jello


I have seen the process of word associations occurring when prophesying.  He might start by revealing just one word, one idea, one theme to you.  And that becomes the starting point.  Then as you wait upon Him, asking for the mind of Christ, and the leading of His Spirit, He will draw/ lead your mind from one step to the next.  If I were to sit down and first receive the word “hot”, there is no way I would ever think it might lead to a road of slippery Jello!!!  Smiles. God has a way of making associations via His Spirit that tell amazing stories.



Another way of thinking about this process is learning to take anointed rabbit trails.  Often I will hear a sermon where they branch off the main point and share a little story.  So many times, the story is more interesting than the sermon! And there is something in that story that is really quickened and you remember it later.  The key to allowing oneself to take anointed rabbit trails, is the discretion and self-discipline to know when it becomes not Spirit led and then return to the point.



I have noticed that sometimes His process of revelation also uses this same process of word association.  Revelation means the unveiling of truth: The truth was there all along, but suddenly the cover is taken off and it becomes manifest and you have an “ah-ha” moment.  Sometimes He gives us a subject, then through connecting the dots, we arrive at something that we did not realize He was trying to say to us, about that starting point.



Another way of looking at the process of word association is connecting the many ways God speaks and then once connected together, they become a “Word.”  For instance, while I am driving down the freeway, I might be praying about the fact the yard guy just left town, and I need to find new help that I can trust.  That is the starting point, that the Lord Himself put into my mind to consider:  I have a need for a yard person and I don’t “know” anyone.


I look up and see a sign that says, “We are here to help you.”  I realize that is God responding to my prayer.  Then on my way home, someone pulls out onto the road in front of me and it is a truck pulling a trailer with a bunch of yard tools.   I know this is a divine “set-up” and so I follow the yard man to the nearest stop sign!


That was a 3 step process of Word association.

1.  The prayer

2.  The sign

3.  The truck and trailer


I would not have ever thought of flagging down a truck and trailer to get yard help.  But I recognized the truck pulling out in front of me as a Word from God.  I only recognized that because of the prayer and the sign right before.  With one simple trip to the store, I have met my potential yard person face to face, heard him talk, seen his equipment, the state of his truck and have his business card in hand.  I got to “know” him without having to call a face-less phone number in the phone book.


We understand that God can speak in numerous ways to us.  The more we understand the process of words being associated, or puzzled together, the easier it will be to learn how to flow in His Spirit when ministering to someone.


As an idea, here is a list of some of the parts and pieces of how God speaks to us when we are ministering to a person. The Lord can lead us from one thought to another, associating any number of these ways together:




1 Corinthians 13:9 For we know in part, and we prophesy in part.

*  A Scripture

*  An Insight

*  A Picture

*  His still small Voice

*  An Impression

*  A Drawing

*  A Story

*  A Person

*  An Experience

*  An Eye glance

*  Know a Trauma

*  A Bible character

*  Word of Wisdom

*  Word of Knowledge

*  Discern spirits

*  A Prophesy

*  An Interpretation

*  A Prayer

*  A Song

*  A Word Definition

*  A Name Definition

*  A Color Definition

*  A Number Definition

*  Common reference points

*  Know the Environment

*  See Details

*  A Riddle

*  A Parable

*  A Blooper

*  A Typo

*  Animals

*  Creation

*  Word pun

*  Revelation

*  Confirmation

*  Sign in the earth

*  Sign in the media

*  Dream

*  Word of Counsel

*  Opened Taste and/or Smell

*  Opened Touch

*  Thoughts Directed

*  Mind of Christ

*  Write under Inspiration

*  Reoccurrence

*  Consecrated emotion

*  A Photo

*  A Cartoon

*  A Design

*  A Bumper Sticker

*  A Billboard

*  Advertising

*  A Buzz Word

*  A License Plate




Pray over your mind, ask the Lord to give you a starting point, just one thought.  It can be from any of the above ideas, etc.  (If that list is too long, probably the easiest would be to ask Him to anoint your eyes and then look up and glance at something, or just bring something to memory)


After you have your starting point, then write down the next thing that comes to mind that associates with the first idea.  Following that, write down the next idea that associates with the 2nd thought.


1.  Original idea

2.  Thought that connects with #1.

3.  Thought that connects with #2.




EXAMPLE 1:  Here are 3 word association examples that come to my mind:


1.  A dove just taking off from a settled place.

2.  Feeling the original thrust of the lift, due to the body weight!

3.  The memory of this Word picture:






1.  A dove =  Learning to follow the Holy Spirit

2.  The effort for taking off = Letting go of the hindrances that weigh us down

3.  Searching for a new place = the faith it takes to find a new place in God


I sense that the Lord is helping to identify places that are encumbrances, and He is calling people to leave them behind.


Hebrews 12:1 Therefore seeing we also are surrounded with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which does so easily ensnare us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,



EXAMPLE 2:  Here are 3 word association examples that come to my mind:


1.  The new yard guy trimming our ivy.

2.  The yard guy’s previous promise that he had a photographic memory when I explained to him what needed to be done now and then in a few months from now.

3.  Today the yard guy came expecting to trim the hedge, when I had told him that was the upcoming job in the fall.





1.  The new yard guy = becoming a servant

2.  The presumptive promise

3.  Learning the lessons of humility


I sense the Lord has taught His servants how to be humble, to listen with a teachable spirit, and not promise something God doesn’t backup.


James 1:19 Therefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger.


Proverbs 11:2 When pride comes, then comes shame: but with the lowly is wisdom.



EXAMPLE 3:  Here are 3 word association examples that come to my mind:


1.  The Bible character Esther

2.  The preparation she went through

3.  The Word the Lord told Joshua about having courage


Deuteronomy 31:6 Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the LORD your God, he it is that does go with you; he will not fail you, nor forsake you.




1.  Esther – God uses weak vessels

2.  The preparation – He prepares them

3.  Their preparations require courage to follow through with their destiny


The Lord is calling intercessors to stand in the gap for areas much bigger than their own lives.  He has put them through a season of preparations and is calling them to trust Him and have courage to walk this out.


Deuteronomy 31:6 Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the LORD your God, he it is that does go with you; he will not fail you, nor forsake you.



EXAMPLE 4:  Here are 3 word association examples that come to my mind:


1.  The scrapbook on the craft table

2.  My recent completion of 2 of the books

3.  The pleasure I have in scrapbooking




1.  The scrapbook

2.  My completion

3.  The pleasure


The Lord is giving His prophetic generation the gift to see pictures, dreams and visions and He has released a creative anointing to put them together in a meaningful way.  This brings the Lord and His people much pleasure.


Daniel 5:12 Because an excellent spirit, and knowledge, and understanding, interpreting of dreams, and solving of riddles, and explaining of problems, were found in the same Daniel, whom the king named Belteshazzar: now let Daniel be called, and he will show the interpretation.




EXAMPLE 5:  Here are 3 word association examples that come to my mind:


1.  Looking at the carrot cake under the restaurant glass yesterday.

2.  Wanting the carrot cake when I try to stay away from sugar.

3.  Suddenly seeing the ant crawling around on the frosting!  I no longer wanted the carrot cake.  Smile.





1.  The carrot cake

2.  Wanting that cake

3.  Seeing the ant


The Lord has been training His people through negative reinforcement, in patterns where they have struggled.  He is answering their prayers to teach them that what they  sow, they also reap.  He is being merciful to answer prayers.


Proverbs 25:28 He that has no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls.


Galatians 6:8 For he that sows to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that sows to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.

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