Laughter in the Complaint Department



(Text Version)


I have always had a tendency to suffer long and speak little.  In so doing, I have done a lot of “stuffing”  which is not exactly healthy.  So one day I was driving in the car and suddenly without even thinking about it, I prayed a very fervent prayer.  I groaned, “Oh God!  My life is surrounded by all these negative complainers!!!!  I was quiet for a minute and suddenly I exclaimed, “OH GOD, I GET IT!!!!!”  “So is Yours.”


It was a kindred heart moment where He unveiled a touch of His own heart right into my own.


So several months went by and I had been climbing uphill and carrying a big load.  Part of the difficulty was overcoming the opinions of those who doubted and spoke negative statements of unbelief.  Once again I had suffered long under these statements of negative faith.  Finally I found myself bursting out in prayer.  “Oh God!!!!”  “Please do not listen to them!  Do not heed their votes of unbelief!  Please do not let our destiny be hindered by their unbelief!  Let Your will be done and perform Your Word even as You have spoken it!”  I felt such a relief praying such a strange prayer.  At that moment I was working on a form on line.  My eye fell upon a button that said, “Complaint Form.”  I burst out laughing.


Then my eye jumped one line down.  Directly underneath it said, “Thank you for complaining!”  That was so hilarious, it struck me as the funniest thing I had heard in a long time.


I suddenly realized that the Lord was telling me thank you for pouring out my heart to Him and pouring out all my complaints about the unbelieving.  He does not want me to carry any of this on my own shoulders, simply be a conduit.  How totally gracious He is, and how totally hilarious!  Imagine God telling me, “Thank you for complaining!”


So I am still laughing about 10 minutes later.  Every time I think of it I start to laugh out loud.  I wonder why I think it is SO funny and I receive a revelation of Moses in heaven.  He has heard and watched this whole exchange and he is laughing a belly laugh.  I suddenly realized that his life was filled with complainers and unbelievers.  And his laugh in heaven was a catharsis of pure joy to see me laughing my way out of the load!!!



Yes, we laugh with you, My love!  Just laugh all that stress off your heart and your shoulders.  Don’t carry any burden, let it all wash off.  Precious, even when you feel like you are all alone and no one is standing with you in these matters that concern you, know that You have an advocate in heaven that prays with you.  I stand with you and hold you up.


Though you are surrounded by the voices of multitudes who say it can’t be done, I bow low to listen to the one who says it can. Yes, I hear your heart, the one who suffers long under the unbelief of others.  Just pour out all your complaints about their complaints and I will file it all away in a box that says, “Thank you for complaining today.  I AM more than able to take care of your problems.”


Ps 55:22 NKJV

Cast your burden on the LORD, and He shall sustain you; He shall never permit the righteous to be moved.

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