
Entering Through Worship and Singing


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swauthor@usa.net  www.thequickedword.com

Worship is a precious love story.  We pour out our hearts and adoration to Him and He soaks in our love and receives us.  Then in exchange, He shares His beautiful Words with us.  As we spend ourselves upon the Lord, He gives back to us and opens His heart to us, just as we open ours to Him.

Psalms 100:1-3 Make a joyful noise unto the LORD, all you lands. 2 Serve the LORD with gladness: come before his presence with singing. 3 Know you that the LORD he is God: it is he that has made us, and not we ourselves; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture.

Mark 12:30-31 NLT

And you must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength.


One time I was worshipping the Lord at home via tongues and also interceding while dancing to worship music.  I have always been blessed by praying in the Spirit in worship, so this came natural to me. However, I had danced and I had prayed, but not both together as a form of intercession. Suddenly His Presence was all over me and I became totally abandoned in worship as I prayed and danced at the same time.  I was so covered in His Presence I was astounded.  I didn’t stop until I was just too tired to continue. This happened right before I went to bed.  When I went to bed I had a vision.

VISION:  I entered a beautiful glowing room somewhere in heaven.  I saw candles glowing, and smelled sweet smelling perfumes all over the room.  I was standing inside the door of this room and began dancing, praying in tongues and interceding just like I had done before going to bed.  The Lord told me I had found a new door into His Presence and that He was very pleased.


The Lord dwells in the praises of His people.  (Psalm 22:3)  When we enter worship, there is an intimacy and precious touch as the Lord speaks straight into our heart and melts all our barriers.  In His Presence, He pierces our soul with His love and it can touch our life like nothing else.  Nothing can separate us from His love once we know it.

Those who are longing for Him with open arms are finding more of Him than ever before. They are enjoying freedoms in worship they didn’t know existed.  Their “religious boxes” of how to do things properly are falling away and they are expressing their love for Him without restraints.  They are worshipping Him with their whole spirit, soul and body.

He’s not looking for a people who play church, He’s looking for a people who ARE His church.  There’s a difference.  His church is His bride, and that bride loves Him passionately.  The last day church is excited about God.  It’ pouring out, loving and gushing all over the world.  There is only one priority of this last day bride:  To love God with her whole heart, mind and soul, and to love others the same way.  The Lord is speaking to His bride by raining the intimacy of His refreshing Presence on those who give Him adoring worship.  And He is also speaking to the world through His passionate bride as her love for Him bubbles over.  Look out world!


There is a power available at a group level of worship that is not as available on an individual level.  Jesus said, “For where two or three are gathered together in My name, there am I in the midst of them.”  (Matthew 18:20 KJ)  There is a synergistic effect that takes place at a group level.  If you think about the fact that each person whose name is written in the book of life has a guardian angel, and when two or more gather in His name, their angels also gather. And when two or more gather, there is more faith and more power than just one.  Then add the fact that each person who has accepted Jesus as their personal Savior has the Holy Spirit living in their heart, and then add the fact that God’s Presence via His Holy Spirit is also present in the meeting. — What a combination of power!

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