
Ministering Through Comparison



 Sometimes when the Lord speaks a prophetic Word for us to share with a guest, He brings a person that you know, or an animal to mind, through the many ways He speaks.  If we are not used to this kind of reference, our first thought might be, “What does that have to do with the guest I am prophesying over?”  That is exactly God’s point.  He is wanting us to see comparisons about the person or animal that we know, so that we can draw conclusions about the guest that we are prophesying over.

Sometimes it might be an event in the person’s life that stands out to you.  It might be something quite unique about their personality, or their looks, their skills, or accomplishments, a life event, calling, or overcomings.  The person might be someone from the Bible, or someone you know, or once heard about.  This is where you are leaning on the Lord to bring to memory and quicken something that jumps out at you, so that you know which direction to take the prophesy.

EXAMPLE:  I am praying over an elderly lady and suddenly I am reminded of Anna in the Bible.

Luke 2:36-40  NLT

Anna, a prophet, was also there in the Temple. She was the daughter of Phanuel from the tribe of Asher, and she was very old. Her husband died when they had been married only seven years. 37 Then she lived as a widow to the age of eighty-four. She never left the Temple but stayed there day and night, worshiping God with fasting and prayer. 38 She came along just as Simeon was talking with Mary and Joseph, and she began praising God. She talked about the child to everyone who had been waiting expectantly for God to rescue Jerusalem. 39 When Jesus’ parents had fulfilled all the requirements of the law of the Lord, they returned home to Nazareth in Galilee. 40 There the child grew up healthy and strong. He was filled with wisdom, and God’s favor was on him.

In my mind I recall what is quickened to me about Anna’s story.

1)  She is elderly

2)  She has been faithful to the Lord all her life

3)  She was an intercessor serving the Lord

4)  She testified to all of what she had heard about Jesus

I key in on these important points and begin to prophesy:

PROPHESY:  I see that you are like Anna, in the temple who served God day and night.  You have been a friend of God, serving Him in prayer and sacrifice.  He is so pleased with your faithfulness and sharing the gospel with those you greet.  The Lord will be honoring you to be able see what He is birthing in these last days.   He is bringing to birth the manifestation of the sons of God, where they will walk in the fullness of Jesus Christ.  These mature ones will walk in the fullness of His power and image and usher in His kingdom upon the earth.

Rom 8:18-20 NKJV

For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. For the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly waits for the revealing of the sons of God.

When I am done prophesying the sweet elderly lady’s eyes are huge.  She meekly says, “Did you know I am a prophetic intercessor and my name is Anna?”  Smile!

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